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Water flows downhill. Everybody knows that. It condenses and falls from the sky, gathers into rivulets and streams, then raging channels, and finally the open

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untethered, all the way

My hands fly to the armrests at my side as I brace myself for another wave. The metal tube I’ve been inside of for the

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take a minute

The end of the year predictably brings existential contemplation, Spotify Wrapped and Instagram Reels with tiny flashes of the last 12 months. I set out

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a heroine’s journey

The hero’s journey is a well-known narrative structure that has historically involved a man who embarks on an adventure, learns a lesson, uses that lesson

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easy, tiger

What does it mean, to say the moment isn’t right? At different times, people may say it means their heart wasn’t in it, they were

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to the point

Outside it’s as though there must be two suns – one all heat, and the other all light. On the other side of the door,

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down the road now

  Even in Kyoto— hearing the cuckoo’s cry— I long for Kyoto. ~Matsuo Bashō (trans. Robert Hass) To me, there’s no better place, but people

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the words remembered

Five years ago, my child let me know he was transgender. The words he used were, “I have gender dysphoria.” He had already known for

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flight plan

If bringing a new baby home is parenting basecamp, a swirling chaotic celebration, the first flashes of a million photos, instant inclusion in a village

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Tulum & I

Listening to waves crashing on the beach may be one of the most therapeutic natural sounds on earth. The rush of water towards the shore

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mourning sun

For over 12,045 nights, I went to bed as his girlfriend or wife. Until the 12,046th night, when I didn’t. This morning, I woke up

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you’ll love her

Dominique Bañas just shines. I don’t even want to tell you what she’s wearing in the first photo I saw of her, because women are

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notes from Spain

With pandemic restrictions lifting, it feels like we all have long lists of bucket-list destinations to tackle. FUTURE LYNN contributor Alexandra Porter and I were

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fall skincare: your rundown

It’s that time of the year again. Fall leaves swirl about my feet and I pull my thick, cozy sweaters out of the back of

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clean mascara: your rundown

photo by Alexandra Porter If eyes are the window to the soul, then mascaras are the window treatments. Some prefer a sheer curtain, others opt

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on being

This is a compilation of poems based on the roles of daughter, sister, mother and self. daughter Unspoken 05 July 2017 my heart casts the

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london calling

My name is Jenna Mutya and I am a fourth year business management student at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. This past summer,

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why I cook

Food is often the first introduction to a new culture. Food is culture – and cooking recipes from my childhood has been a way for

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aging, not caring

For many years, from my teens through my 30s, I was painfully averse to causing anyone offense. In big and small ways, I often hurt

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summer style inspo

The global pause on travel of the past year and a half has given us all a chance to re-think the way we travel and

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I sat down at a typewriter for this one, which seemed apropos. I needed to escape the expectations of today. The orientation of the Remington

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life is sweet

In my mid-20s, I went to see the former Lone Justice lead singer Maria McKee in concert in Philadelphia. She had just released her second

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her secret self

A woman I knew for many years had a glamorous wardrobe that I only found out about after she passed away. Kay’s death was sudden

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cozy, lounge-y, sustainable

If you had to guess, how much of 2021 will be spent in sweatpants? The pandemic will wane perhaps, but we will hold dear those

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shampoo bars: your rundown

Pandemic life of the last year has given me more than enough time to consider my environmental choices at home, and some new habits have

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beauty over zoom

I admit I am a heavy user of Zoom’s “touch up my appearance feature.” A little blur goes a long way. I have also discovered

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skin tantrums

There are those times when your skin seems to have its own mind and purpose, antagonizing you with each glance or inspection the mirror. Maybe

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